
During these 15days trip in Tyler, I widened my knowledge of local condition and customs, campus life and high air quality in America. 10 days time in Tyler let me far away from PM2.50, breathed fresh air and knew about family Daugherty.  

 一开始我和Gina都不太放得开,还有一些羞涩,但到后来我们真正成为了一家人,还发生了许多好玩的事情。妈妈Christie非常擅长绘画和手工,爸爸Dwaine在冷幽默方面造诣极高,Paisley有点害羞但也有时候会搞怪。对爸爸印象最深的就是他的招牌式笑声,笑声综合了哼和哈(请自行脑补)。还有爸爸在家里玩起了吹泡泡,就是一个老小孩儿。还记得我和Gina一开始喝不惯那儿的水,太凉了,爸爸和妈妈就出主意把水接到大水壶里,这样就能变得好一点儿。我还记得一次晚餐爸爸自制黑暗料理suger rice,那种口感和味道我估计Gina也不想再来一次了。Paisley对中文的学习很有天赋,筷子用的也是特别棒!   Grace学校我印象最深的就是话剧《木兰》了,虽然并没有来得及到现场一饱眼福但我和Gina都去过看他们排练,乐趣多多。美国同学和老师们给我留下最深的印象就是十分善良,而且特别平易近人和热情。学校组织的赛前动员会真的是超级酷。

At the beginning, Gina and I were not very open and little bit shy. Later we became a real familyand many interesting things happend. Mom Christie is good at drawing and hand craft. Dad has high level of cold humor. Paisley is a little bit shy but sometimes she is very funny and tricky. What impressed me most is Dad’s brand laugh, which included hehe and haha (you can just imagine by yourself ). He once blew bubbles at home like an old boy. I still remembered Gina and I felt the drinking water was too cold, then Mom and Dad found an idea, they put water in a big jar making it be better. I still remembered he ever made darkness food sugar rice the taste ehrwe would not like to try anymore!  Paisley has high talent in learning Chinese and she used chopsticks quiet well.In GCS what impressed me most was the drama MULAN. Although we didn’t have  chance to watch the final show, Gina and I  really  got a lot of funs during watching the  rehearsal. School mates and teachers impressed me most is their kindness easy to work with and enthusiasm.  The fanfare of the sports meeting was really  cool.  


EmilyJoanna也陪伴了我们整个行程,为我们忙前忙后、呕心沥血。我想Joanna一定是个好妈妈,而Emily一定会成为一个好妈妈。   这十五天仿佛一瞬之间,我对GraceDaugherty一家人、EmilyJoanna都还有许多的留恋与不舍。

Emily and Joanna companied us for the whole trip, busying to do this or that for us  till worked their hearts out. I think Joanna must have been a very good mother and Emily of course would be a good mother.15 days trip flew away quickly, but I have a lot of memories and unwilling to part with GCS family Daugherty, Emily and Joanna.